- 下列那个是错误的.Which of the following is wrong?
- 只因为未取指纹而让他们免于受罚,这种做法肯定是错误的。It would surely be wrong to let them go scot-free just for lack of finger-prints.
- 下列那个地址代表单播地址?Given the choices below, which address represents a unicast address?
- 下列那个如果为真,将最严重的削弱卫生官员对于疾病影响范围的解释。Which of the following, if true, would most seriously weaken the health officals'explanation for the lower incidence of the disease?
- 买进那些股票的建议结果是错误的——自从我买进后,价格持续下跌。The advice to invest in those shares turned out to be a bum steer-their value has fallen steadily since I bought them.
- 两个中场中,右边那个是防守型的左边那个是进攻型的。Of the two centre midfielders, the right MC is the MCd and the left MC is the MCa.
- 我们不帮助他们是错误的。It will be a mistake for us not to help them .
- 准备打球的那个运动员是击球员,他后边的那个是捕手,是不是?And the player who will try to hit the ball is the batter. The player behind him is the catcher - isn't that right?
- 扼杀个体经济是错误的。It's wrong to choke the life out of individual economy
- 这是广式月饼,有点甜。那个是苏式的,可能你会喜欢些。This one is Canton style, so it is a bit sweet. That one is Su Style. Maybe you prefer that one.
- 证明是错误的;不赞成To demonstrate to be false;disprove.
- 那个是美妙的时刻。孩子在哭,我也在哭,护士们在鼓掌。It was a beautiful moment. The baby was crying. I was crying. The nurses were clapping.
- 他的人生观是错误的。He has a wrong conception of life.
- 她们是六个非常美丽的孩子;但是最小的那个是她们中最美丽的。Grand-daughters. They were six beautiful children; but the youngest.
- 项的说法是错误的。That is not to say exercising in cooler water is a bad thing.
- 失败者总是错误的。Losers are always in the wrong.
- 试图以世间的成功来判断幸福是错误的。It is wrong to try to judge happiness in term of worldly success.
- 仿效他的做法是错误的。It would be a mistake to follow his example.
- 一切想要堵塞缺口和围困德国侵略军的办法都是错误的。All ideas of stopping holes and hemming in the German intruders are vicious.
- 认为某事物是错误的;拒绝接受。reject as false; refuse to accept.