- 症obstruction of bowels
- 上瘾addiction
- 自闭症infantile autism
- 上瘾的addictive
- 忧郁症(psychology) depression
- 精神分裂症schizophrenia
- 恐高症acrophobia
- 健忘症amnesia
- 上瘾者addict
- 失忆症amnesia
- 类似于吗啡但是很少惯性的合成麻醉剂;用来治疗海洛因上瘾。a synthetic narcotic drug similar to morphine but less habit-forming; used in treating heroin addiction.
- 孤独症autism
- 我已经注意到有几个高班的孩子到城里酒吧喝酒上瘾了。It has been brought to my notice that some senior boys are in the habit of visiting public houses in the town.
- 妄想症paranoea
- 吗啡上瘾Addiction to morphine.
- 疑难杂症difficult and complicated disease
- 麻醉剂尤指非法使用或使人上瘾的麻醉剂A drug, especially an illicit or addictive one.
- 多动症hyperactivity
- 腰椎间盘突出症prolapse of lumbar intervertebral disc
- 焦虑症anxiety neurosis