- 三和国际印刷器材(深圳)有限公司北京分公司Sam Wo International Printing Equipment (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. Beijing Branch Company
- 巴鲁达国际财务有限公司获授有限制银行牌照Granting of restricted banking licence to BOB International Finance Limited
- 有限公司corporation
- 嘉华国际财务有限公司Ka Wah International Merchant Finance Limited
- 四,五和六环多环芳烃比二,三和七环的多环芳烃有更强的致癌作用。Four,five and six ring PAHs have greater carcinogenic potential than do two,three or seven ring PAHs.
- 对国内财务标准和国际财务标准有深刻的理解Solid understanding of both Chinese accounting standards and International Accounting standard
- 上海国际财务有限公司。ShangHai International Finance Company Ltd.
- 三年three years
- 三角(n) a triangle
- 三级third class
- 三和路线Guideline of "Three Peaces"
- 国际市场和国际财务管理International Marketing International Finance and Controlling
- 三和十三也是数字.Three and thirteen are also numbers.
- 海南国际财务有限公司Hainan International Finance Company Limited
- 此外,我们也会努力巩固香港作为国际金融中心和国际大都会的地位。We will strive to affirm Hong Kong's position as an international financial centre and a cosmopolitan city.
- 三和银行北京分行Sanwa Bank Limited Beijing Branch
- 浙兴财务有限公司Che Hsing Finance Company Limited
- 三和银行大连分行Sanwa Bank Limited Dalian Branch
- 香港基本法具有历史意义和国际意义。The Basic Law of the Hongkong Special Administrative Region is of historic and international significance.
- 羊城财务有限公司Five Rams Finance Company Limited