- 她是那么一个扭扭捏捏、男不男女不女的家伙,She was a simpering, but masculine creature.
- 这句话出现在大伙看到狱中一不男不女的家伙,然后。I may be social, but that's a boundarylineeven I won't cross.
- 三年three years
- 不男不女neither a male nor a female
- 三角(n) a triangle
- 五不女five female congenital defects; five types of sterility due to congenital malformations of female genital organs
- 三级third class
- 男不男,女不女
- 他为群众办事,一不怕吃亏,二不怕吃苦,三不怕受委屈。He works for the masses and firstly, is not afraid of suffering loss, secondly, is not afraid of hardship, and thirdly, is not afraid of being blamed.
- 三国Three Kingdoms
- 三个月trimester
- 周三Wednesday
- 三次third
- 三个three
- 三号thirds
- 三部曲trilogy
- 三聚氰胺melamine
- 三倍triple
- “三要三不要”中讲团结,反对分裂,与延安整风时反对宗派主义是一个精神。The admonition contained in the "three dos and three don'ts" to promote unity and oppose splits is in the same spirit as the call for combating sectarianism during the Yan'an rectification movement.
- 三楼second floor