- 一阶惯性力the first inertia force
- 根据质心不变原理及振动理论中的相位差原理,附加柔性配重使滑块的一阶惯性力的绝大部分及二阶惯性力的一部分得到平衡。In accordance with principles of constant barycenter and principle of phase difference in theory of vibration, flexible counterweight is added to let the greater part of first ordered inertia force and a part of second inertia force of the slider to obtain equilibrium.
- 光盘库平衡机构的数值分析及参数优化Numerical Analysis and Parameter's Optimization of Balance Mechanism in Jukebox
- 惯性力平衡balancing of inertia force
- Watt六杆抽油机增程与驱动力平衡机构分析Analysis of stroke-increasing and force-reducing mechanism of pumping unit with Watt linkage
- 具有正负系数的一阶中立型微分方程解的渐近性与振动性The Gradation and Vibrating Nature of the First Order Nonlinear Neutral Differential Equation with Positive and Negative Coefficients
- 四缸发动机二次往复惯性力平衡技术The Balance Technology for Inline Four Cylinders Engine with Second Order Reciprocating Inertial Force
- 扭杆平衡机构在大型车载天线中的应用及优化Application and Optimization of Torsion Bar Balance Mechanism in Large Vehicle Carried Antenna
- 一阶single(-)order
- 用平衡机构解决4190船用柴油机的振动和噪声问题Use the balance mechanism to solve the vibration and noise of 4190 marine engine
- 基于改进加权一阶局域预测模型的短期负荷预测方法研究The Research on Short-term Load Forecasting Method Based on Improving Adding-weight One-rank Local Forecasting Model
- 一阶导数first derivative
- 一阶导数光谱法测定复方炉甘石氯霉素洗剂中氯霉素的含量Determination of Calamine Chloramphenicol Lotion Compound by First Order Derivative Spectrophotometry
- 具有变系数的多滞量一阶中立型非线性泛函微分方程的振动性Oscillation of First Order Neutral Nonlinear Functional Differential Equation with Variable Coefficients and Multi-delays
- 在软光子近似下,平均激发能仅出现在光场频率的一阶和二阶项上。In soft-photon approximation, the average excitation energy only appears in the first and second order terms of field frequency.
- Peakon解在波峰处一阶导数不连续,但可用D irac广义函数表示.Peakon solutions have discontinuous first derivative on the peaks and can be described by Dirac function.
- 这就是一个一阶谓词演算不可表述的属性。This is not expressible as a first-order predicate calculus property.
- 中国的辽阔大地像是一个硕大的四级台阶,由西向东,一阶一阶逐级下降。China's surface slopes down from west to east like a four-step staircase.
- 基于UPS中电磁干扰噪声的一阶滤波器的设计Design of First-Order Filter Based on the EMI Noise in UPS
- 乙酰螺旋霉素的一阶导数光谱法测定Direct Determination of Acetylspiramycin by Derivative Absorption Spectrophotometry