- 一身(n) the entire body
- 水管上有一个洞,水喷出来溅了我一身。There was a hole in the hose, and water sprayed out all over me.
- 约翰尼在花园里锄草出了一身大汗。Johnny worked up a sweat weeding the garden.
- 一身汗sweating all over
- 那女孩从头到脚穿着一身棕色的衣服。The girl was dressed in brown from top to toe.
- 她穿一身灰黑色衣服。She was dressed in somber black.
- 他经常戴一顶宽边帽,穿一身粗呢长礼服,一直扣到颔下。He habitually wore a hat with a wide brim, and a long coat of coarse cloth, buttoned to the chin.
- 当你觉得感冒时,就钻进热被窝,喝些热水,出一身汗就好了。When you feel flu coming on, get into a warm bed and drink some hot water and sweat it out.
- 据说,他出身铁匠,身躯魁伟,臂力过人,练得一身好武艺。Reputedly a blacksmith by origin, he was a giant of a man with amazing muscular strength and superior martial skills
- 一辆驶过的卡车将路上的水坑的水溅了我一身。A passing truck showered me with water from a pool in the road.
- 她穿着一身蓝色的套装和一件貂皮大衣。She was wearing a blue dress and a mink coat.
- 公共汽车在雨中驶过,溅了他们一身泥。The bus spattered them with mud as it passed in the rain.
- 公主光彩照人地穿着一身雪白的新礼服来了。The princess arrived, resplendent in a new white dress.
- 他不像典型的城市商人那样,穿一身深色的套服、 带一把收好的雨伞。He doesn't conform to the usual stereotype of the city businessman with a dark suit and rolled umbrella.
- 一辆卡车驶过,溅了我们一身泥水。A passing truck dashed muddy water all over our clothes.
- 年轻人笨拙地脱下了便帽。他穿一身粗布衣服,带着海洋的咸味。He wore rough clothes that smacked of the sea,and he was manifestly out of place in the spacious hall in which he found himself.
- 她压根儿没有梳洗,只穿着一身肮脏的梳装袍子,头发胡乱地束成一团。She had not troubled to dress herself, but wore a dirty dressing-gown, and her hair was tied in a sluttish knot.
- 这个年轻人身材高大,穿一身灰色西装。He was a large young man in a gray suit.
- 他的肥胖的身躯穿着一身考究的服装。His obese figure arrayed in costly apparel.
- 他不像典型的城市商人那样,穿一身深色的套服、带一把收好的雨伞。He doesn't conform to the usual stereotype of the city businessman with a dark suit and rolled umbrella.