- 一路go the same way
- 一路上all the way
- 一路平安bon voyage
- 骑马人策马前行。The rider spurred his horse on.
- (祝愿 ... )一路平安,一路顺风speed somebody on their way; speed the parting guest
- 他拼命策马前行,马都出汗了。He sweated his horse by riding him too hard.
- 策马前行to switch one's horse
- 帆船一路换抢航行。The sailing ship was tacking.
- 旅游者沿着狭窄的小路小心前行。The travelers edged warily along the narrow road.
- 一路走来through the whole journey
- 牧师在圣坛前行鞠躬礼.The priest bowed down before the altar.
- 您一路上还好吧?Did you have a good journey?
- 他用鞭子策马前行。He urged the horses on with a whip.
- 她一路骑脚踏车去超市。She biked all the way to the supermarket.
- 一辆机车沿铁道隆隆地前行。A locomotive pounded dong the railway track.
- 他开着摩托车一路疾驰。He belted along on his motorcycle.
- 成群移动,成群前行To move or go as a throng.
- 那辆大汽车一路呜呜地开了过去。The big car purred along the road.
- 沿小径前行to walk along a path
- 一路领先row over