- 杰拉尔德一见她进来便容光焕发了,仿佛施了魔术似的。Gerald's face had brightened as if by magic at her entrance.
- 虎姑娘屋中的灯还亮着呢。 一见这个灯亮,祥子猛的木在那里。The light was stall on in Tigress' room and at the sight he stopped dead.
- 她一见我盯她就把自己的眼睛避开了。Her eyes shy away from mine.
- 她一见我就吐出一连串的污言秽语。She greeted me with a stream of abuse.
- 他一见到这个新来的小客人,他的心灵里马上燃烧起幸福的火焰。When he saw this small newcomer, his soul was all ablaze with bliss in a moment.
- 马一见驰近的火车就用后腿直立起来了。The horse reared up at the sight of the coming train.
- 一见这座山就使我回想起我的童年。The very sight of the hill conjures up memories of my childhood.
- 他一见他的孩子们坐在草地上就高兴。He took pleasure in the sight of his children sitting on the lawn.
- 我一见就知道他是一位好心肠的老人。I saw at a glance that he was a kind-hearted old man.
- 老师确信那几个男孩子正在捣蛋,因为他们一见她过来,拔腿就跑。The teacher was sure that the boys were up to no good, because they ran when they saw her coming.
- 你看我今天上午什么时候可以见一见院长?Do you think I could see the president sometime this morning?
- 他一见这景象便在门槛处蓦地收住脚步。He was brought up sharp by the sight at the threshold.
- 也不知为什麽,我一见他就十分讨厌他。I don't know why, but I took a strong dislike to him as soon as I saw him.
- 他们一见面就坠入情网,真是一见锺情。They fell in love as soon as they met: it was love at first sight.
- 黛安娜进来,一见又是那常喝的咖啡,便抱怨开来,满心不悦地转身出去。Dianna came in,and began to back out on the rebound as soon as she saw that something out of the usual coffee and natter was up.
- 一见到别的男人跟她亲热地交谈,他便会醋劲大发。If other men speaks to her intimately he will be immediately jealous.
- 我一见到这个人,惊骇得说不出话来,既不知道说什么好,也不知道怎么办好。I was struck dumb at the sight and knew neither what to say nor what to do.
- "一见了棺材,那眼泪恰似断线之珠,滚将下来"At the sight of the coffin her tears fell like pearls from a broken string.
- 她一见路上有个小孩,便猛踩刹车。As soon as she saw the child in the road, she jammed on her brakes.
- 我不喜欢他。一见他我就不寒而栗。I don't like him. He gives me the shivers.