- 于是,二马一驴,一行三人,沿着曲曲弯弯的小径向沙坨子深处出发了。So the three of them, two on horseback, one on a donkey, set out along a twisting path into the dunes.
- 一行三人抛橡子逗弄池中鲤鱼;如今,冰凉的手指交缠,晨风中只有你我。Last autumn A trio tossing acorns To carp in this pond; Now, cold fingers intertwined, Only the two of us in the morning wind.
- 新三会new three organizations
- 三会制度system of Three Boards
- “三会”制度"Three-meeting" system
- 向国旗行三鞠躬礼bow three times to the national flag
- 两边观看是身体的盆腔中段平面和相反方向的弄尖排成一行。The two views are aligned along the midplane of the body and pointing in opposite directions.
- 试论国有控股公司"新老三会"融合的实现途径Ways to Integrate "New and Old Three Committees" of Joint-Stock Incorporation Controlled by Government
- 我无法回答你有关摄影的问题。我不做那一行。I can't answer your question about photography. It's not in my domain.
- 组织移植物行三尖瓣修复术Repair of tricuspid valve with tissue graft
- 基本三会(指作为初等教育基础的读、写、算).The three 'R's(reading,writing and rithmetic,as the basis of an elementary education)
- 平行于穿孔卡短边的一行穿孔位置。A line of punch positions parallel to the shorter edges of a punch card.
- 组织移植物行三尖瓣置换术Replacement of tricuspid valve with tissue graft
- 强音格律诗中某一行中重读音节上的重音The accent that falls on a stressed syllable in a line of scanned verse.
- “新三会”与“老三会”的关系是企业改制过程中所面临的一个比较棘手的问题。The relationship between new and old three-meetings is the Gordian knot in course of enterprise reforming.
- 我不学会这一行死不瞑目。I'll learn the trade or bust.
- 践行三个代表坚持科技创新发展现代农业Carry out the Three Representatives of Conduct with the practical action, insist on scientific and technical innovation, develop modern agriculture
- 排长让士兵排成一行,并命令他们一至四报数。The platoon leader drew the soldiers up into line and bade them number off in fours.
- 获取或设置HtmlTable控件中某一行的单元格内容的水平对齐方式。Gets or sets the horizontal alignment of the content in the cells of a row in an HtmlTable control.
- 应用神经内镜行三脑室底造瘘术治疗梗阻性脑积水Endoscopic third ventriculostomy in treatment of obstructive hydrocephalus