- 公共预算职能the functions of public budgets
- 复康巴士是特别为未能使用一般公共交通工具的轮椅使用者或行动不便的人士而设。These are specially provided for those wheelchair users or people with serious mobility difficulties who cannot use regular public transport facilities.
- 一般ordinary
- 公共选择视角下的公共预算理念The Idea of Public Budgeting in the view of Public Choice
- 支出expense
- 预算budget
- 公共public
- 在标识符的语义含义仅限于其类型的极少数情况下,应使用一般公共语言运行库(CLR)类型名称,而不要使用语言特定的名称。Do use a generic common language runtime (CLR) type name, rather than a language-specific name, in the rare cases when an identifier has no semantic meaning beyond its type.
- 公共预算:控制政府行政成本的枢纽Public Budget: the Hinge of Controlling the Cost of Government Administration
- 一般的generic
- 预算支出budgetary outlay
- 财政支出public expenditure
- 一般人everyman
- 传统的公共预算原则是如何产生的?How does the traditional budget principle come into being?
- 营业外支出nonoperating outlay
- 一般情况下generally speaking
- 公共交通public traffic
- 资本支出capital expenditure
- 一般贸易general trade
- 预算的budgetary