- 这东西潘家园等地大量上市已一年多了,新铸。In Pan Garden there have been many such things come into market for over a year.It's newly forged.
- 等一等,”班塔姆·莱昂斯喃喃地说,“等一会儿。Wait, Bantam Lyons muttered, half a mo.
- 后来,他到上海、北京等地继续学习音乐,并参加了革命。Later he went on learning music in Shanghai, Beijing and other places, and he took part in the revolution.
- 重罪;小罗伯特·唐尼尚在保释期中,这次是罪加一等。The 35-year-old actor was charged with drug possession, being under the influence of drugs and committing a felony while on bail.
- 云南等地border areas like Yunnan
- 请等一等,我替您将电话转到询问台,您先把他的房间号码查出来。Wait a minute, please. I'll transfer your call to the Information. You should check the room number first.
- 西班牙印度等地事务院Council of Indies in Spain
- 当沃特?迪斯尼一听到奈什的声音就说:“等一等!这正是我们的鸭子When Walt Disney heard Nash's voice, he said @Stop! That's our duck!
- 稍等一等,我很快就能把你的奶热好。Just a minute,I will hot up your milk soon.
- 参议员于第一次选举后举行会议之时,应当立即尽量均等地分成三组。Immediately after they shall be assembled in Consequence of the first Election,they shall be divided as equally as may be into three Classes.
- 等一等,南茜!听我说,在我们这个世界上,我们还要为民主而斗争。"Wait, Nancy Lee! Listen to me. In this world of ours we still have to fight for democracy. "
- 一时间,苏州、嘉兴、杭州等地成为江南地区艺术品集散的重要地区。Anhui merchant collectors and dealers in calligraphic works and paintings prospered as never before.
- (英军代理下士而薪俸并不增加的)一等兵lance corporal
- 一等移民;有一群仆人的豪华住处。pukka sahib; pukka quarters with a swarm of servants.
- 地理分布:大埔、林村谷、凤园、船湾等地。除香港外,仅广东深圳有分布。Distribution: Tai Po, Lam Tsuen Valley, Fung Yuen, Plover Cove, etc. Guangdong (Shenzhen).
- 尽管这种艺术如今仍在生存(主要在伦敦和纽约等地),但度日愈发艰难。"and though this theater continues to function (chiefly in London and New York), it does so in increasingly difficult circumstances."
- 赫德森听到消息后喜形于色。他根本没想到获得一等学位。Hudson was all cook-a-hoop at the news. He had never expected to get a first-class degree.
- 河北,山西,天津等地。Hebei, Shanxi, places such as Tianjin.
- 诺拉告诉我她在期末考试中得了一等奖学金。Nora told me of getting the first prize in the final examination.