- 无论这些事实一眼看上去多么简单,它们实际上并不是看上去那么简单,除非我们非常努力地去思考这个问题。However obvious these facts may appear at first glance, they are actually not so obvious as they seem except when we take special pains to think about the subject.
- 一眼看上去,PalmOS手持设备小巧的物理形状可能导致您将它看作是一个专用于一些预先打包的应用程序的设备。At first blush, the compact physical form of a PalmOS handheld might lead you to think of it as a device dedicated to a few pre-packaged applications.
- 第一眼看上去,这个女孩很天真。Rl is very naive at the first sight.
- 他变化很大,第一眼看上去我竟认不出他是谁。He changed so much that I did not recognize him at first sight.
- 当约翰看到比尔穿着姑娘的衣服,他惊奇地又看了一眼。John did a double take when he saw Bill in girl's clothes.
- 第一眼看上去,这些墙壁只是很不好看的一堆照片。At first glance, these walls are just an unsightly mess of photographs.
- 我提议裸体游泳,她就瞟了我一眼。She looks at me rather askance when I suggest a swim in the nude.
- 撤销对用户极其重要,而且没有我们第一眼看上去那么简单。Undo is critically important for users, and it’s not quite as simple as it may appear at first glance.
- 他对不礼貌的餐厅服务员狠狠地看了一眼。He gave a black look at the impolite waiter in the restaurant.
- 他看了一眼我的新表,说买得很合算。He glimpsed at my new watch and said it was a good bargain.
- 他一眼就看出有人进过他的书房,因为他的书有的给搞乱了。He saw at once that somebody had been in his study, because some of his books were out of place.
- 他瞥了一眼那个信封,认出是他叔父的笔迹。He glanced at the envelope and recognized his uncle's handwriting.
- 我看了一眼那辆汽车当时就出价买了下来。I took one look at the car and offered to buy it there and then.
- 画到一半时,她问是否能让她看一眼他为她画的肖像。Halfway through the sitting she asked if she could peek at the portrait he was doing of her.
- 他是个很有经验的汽车推销员,一眼就能看出谁是容易劝说的买主!He was an experienced car salesman and recognized an easy prospect when he saw one!
- 屠维岳下死劲钉了钱葆生一眼,似乎说“那不是你又捣乱么!”Tu Wei-yueh gave Chien Pao-sheng a withering look as much as to say, "So you're stirring up trouble again!"
- 这健康检查是骗人的,医生几乎没看过小孩一眼。The medical examination was a mockery; the doctor hardly looked at the child.
- 我狠狠地瞪了他一眼,开始刷洗装过麦片的碗。I shot him a dirty look as I started scrubbing a cereal bowl.
- 好奇的客人们洗手时有打开柜门看一眼的习惯。Prying guests have a habit of open-ing the door just to have a peek while washing their hands.
- 内斜视一种一眼或两眼均斜向鼻侧的斜视A form of strabismus in which one or both eyes deviate toward the nose.