- 块均衡器block equalizer
- 明天就在日本的东京某一店超级市场相见?Will meet each other at tha supermarket of a certain shop of Tokyo of Japan tomorrow?
- 店store
- 他相当大方,一出手就给了一百块。He was quite generous and gave 100 yuan offhand.
- 块lump
- 均uniform
- 十步一摊,百步一店的热闹景象在市场经济发达的国家里,到处可见。In a country where market economy is advanced, you can see everywhere prosperous commerce with a great number of shops standing in the streets.
- 一百a hundred
- 悲伤本身是一店药剂。Grief is itself a medicine.
- 一块piece
- 我身上的零钱凑拢起来也不到一百块钱。Even if I gathered all the change on me, it would be less than 100 yuan.
- 开店set up shop
- 它的粒度的均一往往会掩盖了纹层层理。Its equidimensional grain size tends to mask the laminae.
- 卖(一百块钱)如何?How about (100 yen;)?
- 亚洲大厦一至六层中的大部分面积定作高尚商用,这里延续了南京东路每日几百万的人潮,真可谓万金易取、一店难求。The Asia Mansion is only a stone throw away from East Nanjing road with millions of visitors &shoppers passing everyday.
- 有苍白金黄的心材并均一带有棕黄或黑色的条纹的热带美国木材乔木的小属small genus of tropical African timber trees having pale golden heartwood uniformly striped with dark brown or black
- 你只要把那一百块大洋给我就得了,钻石我就不要了。”Just you gimme the hundred dollars and I don't want no di'monds."
- 观测序列的不均一性对估算北京和上海的平均温度与极端温度变化趋势的影响Influence of Inhomogeneity on the Estimation of Mean and Extreme Temperature Trends in Beijing and Shanghai
- 此外,初治NHL患者血清90K/Mac-2BP水平与患者年龄、性别、病理分型、体力状态、AnnArbor分期、国际预后指数(IPI)、血清乳酸脱氢酶(lactatedehydrogenase,LDH)、骨髓侵犯以及有无巨大包块均无关(P>0.05)。The level of serum 90K/Mac 2BP was not relevant to age, gender, pathologic classification, performance status, Ann Arbor stage, international prognostic index(IPI),serum level of lactate dehydrogenase(LDH), bone marrow involvement, and bulky disease (P >0.05).