- 满瓶不响,半瓶晃荡The empty vessels make the greatest sound
- 一瓶不响,半瓶晃当。One coin in a box rattle loud.
- 满瓶不响,半瓶咣当。英国剧作家莎士比亚The empty vessels make the greatest sound. --William Shakespeare, British dramatist
- 我不愿为一瓶不值50便士的酒付出2英镑。I grudge paying &2 for a bottle of wine that is not worth 50p.
- 需要帮忙吗?是的,请拿一瓶不含糖的雪利酒。Can I help you? Yes, I'd like a dry sherry.
- 实磨无声空磨响,满瓶不动半瓶摇。Empty vessels make the greatest sound.
- 修伯特不愿为一瓶不值十先令的酒付出二十先令。Hubert grudged paying 20 shillings for a bottle of wine that in not worth 10s .
- 我同决,你说得对——这确是一瓶上等的葡萄酒。Quite so, you are right-this is an excellent wine.
- 满瓶不响,半瓶叮当
- 哈里如此沉溺于喝酒,结果他会为一瓶威士忌而出卖灵魂的。Harry is so addicted to alcohol that he'd sell his soul for a bottle of whisky.
- 满罐子不响,半罐子晃荡Full vessels give the least sound
- 她喝了一瓶橘子汽水。She drank a bottle of orange pop.
- 空瓶不退。Empty bottles are not refundable.
- 满罐子不响,半罐子晃荡。Full vessels give the least sound.
- 一瓶酒a bottle of booze
- 空瓶不退钱。Empties are not taken back.
- 一桶不响,半桶晃荡。An empty barrel makes more noise than a full one.
- 1瓶不超过1公升之餐酒1 Bottle of wine or spirits not exceeding 1 litre
- 那个瓶不是还有点墨水吗?Isn't there some ink in that bottle?
- 药剂师根据处方量出一瓶止咳药水。The druggist measured out a bottle of cough mixture according to the prescription.