- 她属于那种爱虚荣的人,每到一面镜子前都非要照一照不可。She's one of those vain people who can't pass a mirror without looking into it.
- 把手电筒往这儿照一照。Shine your flashlight over here.
- 他做起生意来跟别人一样精明,但是承担责任就是另外一码事了。He can be as sharp as any man when it's a question of business; but duty's another pair of shoes.
- 他用手电照一照水面。He shined[shone] the light on the water.
- 码yard
- 小火柿子让冬日的太阳一照,更是红得透亮。Under the winter sun, it blazed out in a concentrated brilliance of redness.
- 照photograph
- 赌博与把资金投入股市并不一样,它完全是另外一码事。 Gambling is not the same as investing in the stock market. It's a horse of a different colour.
- "行了,别动,我们再照一张 ... ,这个样子太棒了," 摄影师说。"That'll do. Hold it. Will have one more ... It looks smashing, " said the photographer.
- 乱码messy code
- 一项旨在推出新产品的广告计划;一项候选人的政治计划An advertising campaign for a new product; a candidate's political campaign.
- 源码source code
- 一照即空Whenever there is illumination, there is enlightenment.
- "那么我要给母亲买本书," 他说道。 "非常感谢。我希望将来有一天能报答您。""Then I'll buy a book for Mother, " he said. "I thank you very much, some day I hope I can repay you."
- "人们相信一场新的经济危机可能再次席卷全球,但是我们希望它不要发生。""It is conceivable that there will be a new economic crisis throughout the world, but we hope it won't happen."
- 她用光突然在他脸上一照。She flashed a light in his face.
- 针对这一问题,杜鲁门总统要求国会向希腊和土耳其提供4亿美元的资金。President Truman met the problem by asking Congress for400 million dollars to aid Greece and Turkey.
- 我很抱歉占用您宝贵的时间,但有一件重要事情我希望能得到您的建议。I apologize for encroaching upon your valuable time, but I should appreciate you advice in an important matter.
- 一码约等于一公尺长。One yard is nearly a meter in length.
- 如果可以的话,我想纠正一下您说的话:在我国,在职培训是依法必须进行的。If I may, I'd like to correct something you said: in my country, in-service training is compulsory by law.