- 一点a bit
- 打网球最重要的一点就是紧盯著球。The golden rule in playing tennis is to watch the ball closely.
- 就要will; be about to
- 他用篙一点就把船撑开了。He pushed the boat off with a shove of the pole.
- 请帮我倒一点就好了。Please just pour me a little.
- 如果再仔细一点就更好了。But it would be better if you were more careful.
- 约翰差一点就死了。John was within a hairbreadth of death.
- 差一点就误了火车to just miss a train
- 一点就通understand by a hint
- 他说稍微大胆一点就可以利用门里边的书架来做暂时的掩护。He reports that a more Intrepid operative might find temporary cover behind a bookcase just Inside the doorway.
- 挤一点就够了!Put toothpaste on your brush and wet it. Squeeze out a little bit. That's enough!
- 好险。我差一点就坐过站了。That was close I almost missed my stop.
- 我差一点就忘了!Oh, I almost forgot!
- 明眼人一点就通To the wise a word may suffice
- 假如我们稍许看一看交际的方式,对于这一点就能看得更清楚。We can see this point more clearly if we took briefly at the idea of communication.
- 因此,通货膨胀稍微严重一点就说成本是唯一罪薮是不可相信的。It is doubtful, then, that cost alone can be blamed for anything more than a mild inflation.
- 农民的日子过得好一点就会使得对农业补贴的改革成为现实吗?Will better times for farmers make it possible to reform farm subsidies?
- 汽油一点就着。Gasoline is highly inflammable.
- 差一点就受伤。I almost hurt.
- 再一点就是,军委领导更换了人。One more thing I want to tell you is that the Chairman of the Military Commission has been replaced.