- 桌子上有一滩黑色的液体,我想应该是血。There was a dark pool on the desk, it might have been blood."
- 的一声,然后就滚了一圈,只看到地上留著一滩血。I spun around and saw a splatter of blood on the floor.
- 一滩黑红的血a pool of black gore
- 死水dead water
- 她面前那一滩血,已经凝结了起来,显出五光十色。The huge pool of blood in front of her was already assuming the iridescence of coagulation.
- 滩shoal
- 一滩鲜血a pool of blood.
- 一潭发臭的死水a stagnant pool of water
- 引擎一发动,我的车就给电池充电了。My car charges up the battery whenever the engine runs.
- 死水滋生蚊子。Stagnant water breeds mosquitoes.
- (地上的)一滩血a sop of Blood
- 一项旨在推出新产品的广告计划;一项候选人的政治计划An advertising campaign for a new product; a candidate's political campaign.
- 死水变臭的池塘或积水处A stagnant pool or backwater.
- "那么我要给母亲买本书," 他说道。 "非常感谢。我希望将来有一天能报答您。""Then I'll buy a book for Mother, " he said. "I thank you very much, some day I hope I can repay you."
- 艾斯特洛向前倾倒在一滩血里。Estelow had slumped forward in a pool of blood.
- 死水微澜Ripples Across Stagnant Water
- 我相信这一要求不会给您带来不便。I trust this request will not cause you inconvenience.
- "据我了解,代表们对这一安排都感到满意。""Insofar as I can see, the representatives are all satisfied with the arrangement."
- 一滩水或其他液体Shallow patch of water or other liquid
- 他对于周年庆典有一套古怪的想法。He has a bee in his bonnet about the anniversary celebration.