- 一棵七毛九.JIM: Seventy-nine cents a head.
- 七seven
- 昏暗中他看不清一头撞在一棵树上。In the dim light he couldn't see clearly and ran bump into a tree.
- 他们砍下一棵树在小溪上架起一座桥。They chopped down a tree to bridge the stream.
- 他挖倒一棵树,用来造一条独木舟。He dug down a tree to make a canoe.
- 我们在苗圃买了一棵小树。We bought a small tree at the nursery.
- 卡车撞上了一棵树。The truck rammed into a tree.
- 在回家的路上,我设想远处的每一棵小树都是一个人;每走两三步我就停下来往后看一看。On my way home, I imagined that every hale tree in the distance was a man; and stopped every two or three steps to look behind me.
- 我们把船拴在一棵树上。We lashed down the boat to a tree.
- 田野里孤零零的一棵树是很显眼的。A single tree in a field is prominent.
- 那位伐木工人被一棵大树压在地上。The lumberman was pinned down to the ground under a heavy tree.
- 我爬上一棵树,好把游行队伍看得更清楚些。I shinned up a tree to get a better view of the procession.
- 你与其要他减价还不如求助于一棵树。You might as well ask the tree for help as request him to reduce the price.
- 玛丽向约翰投去一块石头,但击中了一棵树,偏斜到一边去了。Mary threw a stone at John but it was deflected away from him by a tree.
- 你看到过汤姆·史密斯的七叶树吗?他有一棵非常大的七叶树。Have you seen Tom Smith's conker? He's got ever such big one!
- 玛丽对准约翰扔石头,但石头击中一棵树而偏了。Mary throw a stone at John but it was deflected away from him when it hit a tree.
- 只有孤零零的一棵树在阳光下遮荫。A single tree gave shade from the sun.
- 我骑自行车失控,撞在一棵路灯柱上。I lost control of my bike and ran into a lamp-post.
- 在那次暴风雨中,我们躲在一棵大树下。In the storm we took refuge under a big tree.
- 我的飞机模型的发射机失灵了,飞机失控了,撞到了一棵树上。My model aircraft transmitter failed and the plane went haywire and crashed into tree.