- 一条船也看不见.There wasn't a sail in sight.
- 那条船消失在地平线的后面,再也看不见了。The ship disappeared behing the horizon and passed out of sight.
- 哪条船被一举击沉在也看不见了。The ship was sunk at once stroke and was seen no moe.
- 那名中士身体前倾,眼睛眯成一条缝。"看不见,长官,"他说,"但我听见它在唱歌。The sergeant leaned forward and squinted. "No, sir," he said, "but I can hear it is singing.
- 一只船也看不见。There wasn't a sail in sight.
- 在水上有一条船。在水下有一头鲸鱼。一个怪物。There's a boat on the water.There's a whale underwater.A MONSTER.
- "来和她谈谈吧," 玛丽说着,然后在人群中挤出一条路往前走,约翰紧随其后。"Come and talk to her, " said Mary, and she clove a way through the crowd, John following in her wake.
- 至于采取哪一条探险路线,到目前为止我们还没有得到消息。So far we have have no news as to which route the expedition have take.
- 大厅里一片昏暗,我们什么也看不见。We could see nothing in the dusk of the hall.
- 一条船的后面那一部分。the rear part of a ship.
- 多么漂亮的一条船!船名叫什么?What a beautiful ship! What is she called?
- "抬起头来,我看不见你的眼睛。" 国王说。"Lift the fellow up, and hang him immediately." said the king.
- 这些指示我他妈的一点也看不懂。These instructions make fuck all sense to me.
- 那不行。那是一条通往人家农场的小路。That's no use. That's a path to someone's farm.
- 在海上有一条船。在船上有一些海盗。海盗们很危险。There's a boat on the sea.There are pirates on the boat.The pirates are dangerous.
- 看不见陆地.lose sight of land
- 我不戴眼镜时,什麽也看不清。Everything is a blur when I take my glasses off.
- 这桌子一条腿比其它的腿短,所以不平稳。The table is unstable because one leg is shorter than the others.
- 这地带一片平坦,多少英里都不见山,也不见高岗。The whole terrain was flat as a pancake,not a hill or rise to be seen for miles and miles.
- 她不戴眼镜就看不见字。She can't see to read without her glasses.