- 一只狐狸在他眼前一晃而过,象猎狗一样迅速,象猫儿一样轻巧。A fox ran across a field in front of him, as fast as a greyhound, as graceful as a cat.
- 一只狐狸在他眼前一晃而过,象猎狗一样迅速,象猫儿一样轻巧。A fox ran across a field in front of him, as fast as a greyhound, as graceful as a cat.
- 几百年一晃而过。Hundreds of years have passed.
- 放假的日子好像总是一晃而过。Vacations never seem to last very long.
- 假期简直是一晃而过。The holidays simply sped by.
- 时光之流不停顿地冲刷着其他诗人们的那些易摧毁的塑像,但是在莎士比亚的巨像面前,却一晃而过,不损分毫。英国作家约翰逊The stream of time, which is continually washing the dissoluble fabrics of other poets, passes without injury by the adamant of Shakespeare.--Samuel Johnson, British writer
- 那五个人都晃了一晃。韩孟翔站得出些,几乎掉在黄浦里。Everyone was thrown off balance, and Han Menghsiang, who was near the side, nearly went overboard.
- 子弹呼啸而过。The bullet zipped past.
- 10月一个下雨的早晨,拉比为我和戴维举行了婚礼。一晃16年过去了。Sixteen years have passed since the rabbi married David and me on a rainy October morning.
- 汽车在街道上疾驰而过。The car whirled down the street.
- 保罗只见她一晃就消失在人群中了。Paul caught a glimpse of her before she vanished into the crowd.
- 重型卡车日夜不停地从他们家呼啸而过。Day and night heavy trucks roared past their houses.
- 他冲动地迈出一大步,双肩左右一晃扑到了桌边,急切地翻起书来。An impulsive stride, with one lurch to right and left of the shoulders, brought him to the table, where he began affectionately handling the books.
- 火车飞驰而过。The train rocketed by.
- 他还伸出一个粗长的指头冲他一晃。He shook one of his long broad fingers at him.
- 石块打着水面漂削而过。The stone skipped over the water.
- 电梯微微一晃又稳了下来,接着门开了。The lift rocked slightly, steadied, and the doors opened.
- 她骑马挥鞭而过。She rode by with a flourish of her whip.
- 二强子的眼睛瞪圆,两脚拌着蒜,东一晃西一晃的扑过来:“你卖还卖不够,还得白教祥子玩?Er Qiangzi zi was glaring and swaying on his feet. "It's bad enough selling yourself, do you have to give yourself free of charge to Xiangzi?
- 公共汽车从我身边一擦而过。The bus passed me by a shave.