- 上海一日旅游;One-Day Shanghai City Tour Daily;
- 私人专车休闲一日旅游Private One Day Tour by Van
- 旅游景点tourist attractions
- 旅游城市tourist city
- 一日游one-day tour
- 七月一日Dominion Day
- 旅游管理Destination Management
- 十月一日是中国的国庆节。October first is the National Day of China.
- 生态旅游ecotourism
- 一日三餐three meals a day
- 旅游线路travelling route
- 本合同从十月一日起生效。The contract takes effect as of October1.
- 旅游英语tourism English
- 农历五月一日Beltane
- 旅游景区tourist attraction
- 一日之计在于晨An hour in the morning is worth two in the evening
- 观光旅游a sightseeing tour
- 一日千里(said of progress, development, skill etc.) fast progress or improvement
- 短途旅游jaunt
- 一日为师,终身为父