- 这种狂妄的幻想使他在中途岛战役中一无作为。This delusory vision kept him out of action at Midway.
- 无作为之人schlepp
- 无意志者无作为。No will, no deal.
- 若没有明确的目标,你可能会辛辛苦苦而一无进展。If you don't have a clear aim, you can work a ling time and still be going in circles.
- 该商标由Despair公司拥有,这是一家向“悲观者,失败者,非成功者”出售关于无作为,失败,失望等幽默海报的“反向动力”的公司。The mark is owned by Despair, an "anti-motivational" company that sells humorous posters about futility, failure and depression to "pessimists, losers and underachievers."
- 第三个规则是在整个的起草工作中一无例外地遵循一个明确的结构。The third rule is that alongside the whole drafting work a clear structure without exemption could be followed.
- 其中重点论述、分析了富兰那?迦叶的无作为论、婆浮陀?伽旃那的七元素说、阿耆多?翅舍钦婆罗的无作为论与散惹耶?毗罗梨子的怀疑论。It consists of discussion and analysis of Akriyavada of Purana Kassapa, Satta-kaya of Pakudha Kaccayana, Akriya-vadin of Ajita Kesakambali, Scepticism of Sanjaya Belatthiputta.
- 摩门教信徒的宗教信仰是读一无二的,而他可以拥有三妻五妾。The Mormon's religion is singular, and his wives are plural.
- 一无牵挂To hold nothing in suspense
- 一无所见Not seeing anything
- 一无not in the least
- 一无可取have nothing to recommend itself
- 一无所成without any success
- 有一无二rare; unique; only one
- 真正的富裕是一无所求。True affluence is not needing anything.
- 一无所存to nothing
- 一无所得be nowhere
- 一无所能have no special skill of any kind
- 若非我爱批评,我一无可取。I am nothing, if not critical.
- 他一无可取之处。He has nothing in him.