- 王平:在短跑名手辈出的美国,用10秒多跑完百米的人一抓一大把,不是出类拔萃就休想引起注意。Wang Ping: In America,where famous sprinters come forth in great numbers,a large number of people can finish the 100 meters in around 10 seconds. If you are not extraordinary,you can not imagine that catching people's attention.
- 你们美国人就应该把这件事实实在在地抓一抓。You Americans have just got to take this thing firmly in hand.
- “啊!好极了!好极了!”少校说着,他每喊一声,就抓一抓他上衣上的纽扣。"Ah, very well, very well," said the major, clutching the buttons of his coat at each exclamation
- 他是个肥嘟嘟的大块头,肥到脖子都快没了,胡子倒有一大把。He was a big, beefy man with hardly any neck, although he did have a very large mustache.
- 坚持"一抓一"射洪经济盛开科技之花After Laid Emphasis on Science and Technology, "Shehong" Has Blossomed into an Economically Powerful County
- 他天真地认为,离开密尔沃基,到别的城市就能签下一大把钞票来。He thinks, na ïvely, that Yi could earn tons more endorsement income in some markets other than Milwaukee.
- 二钻一抓法在超深地下连续墙施工中的应用Application of the Two-drill One-clamshell Method in Extra Deep Diaphragm Wall Construction
- 她觉得她简直可以把头发一大把一大把地扯下来。She felt she could tear out great wisps of her hair.
- 腐败的事情,一抓就能抓到重要的案件,就是我们往往下不了手。We can always uncover major cases of corruption if we want to. The problem is that we are usually hesitant about handling such cases.
- 他拿了一大束用白色薄纸包着的花。He carried a big bunch of flowers done up in white tissue.
- 那只白猫又在我的洋葱苗床里乱抓一通了,因此我拿起泥块朝它乱扔一气。That white cat was scratching around in my onion bed again and so I took a cockshot at it with a lump of earth.
- 她每次都吸一大把She used to sniff like a fist full
- 当你将抓一张牌时,你可以改为从该堆顶的牌置于你手上。If you would draw a card, you may instead put the top card from the pile into your hand.
- 每当任一牌手使用非生物咒语时,其所有对手可以抓一张牌。Whenever a player plays a noncreature spell, each of that player's opponents may draw a card.
- 这人把一大笔钱押在这位拳击手身上。The man staked a handsome sum on the boxer.
- 你的猫简直不可理喻。他总是到处跑,乱抓一气,也不听我的话。Your cat is simply impossible. He always runs around scratching things and does not listen to me.
- 第三,不要把这个周末变成你一抓伴侣的注意力就向他发泄你平常积存怒火的战场。Thridly,don't make the w eekend a battleground by storing up issues that you vent on your partner as soon as you've got their attention.
- 史库韦伯运用了这则秘诀一次,就为自 己赚进了大把钞票,并赢得数不完的机会。This single application of the secret, by that young man-Charles M. Schwab-made him a huge fortune in both money and OPPORTUNITY.
- 警官和其他人进来的时候,她的态度轻蔑,好象对被抓一事不以为然。As the inspector and others came in, she regarded them disdainfully, seemingly unconcerned about her capture.
- 我祖父真了不得,一大把年纪了还去打猎。My grandfather is a marvel; he goes hunting at his age.