- 你可以把罩面儿钩挂在底衬上。You can hook the cover onto the material underneath.
- 他一把抓住女孩,将她从冰冷的水中救了起来。He snatched the girl out of the icy water.
- 地球上的一块矿物和一张犁、一把斧、一把锯之间相似之处很少;There is little resemblance between a piece of a mineral substance found in the earth, and a plough, an axe, or a saw.
- 他瘦得只剩一把骨头了。He was reduced to a skeleton.
- 如果你要一把小螺丝刀,我这儿正好有一把。If you want a small screwdriver I've got just the thing here.
- 魔术师声称他可以凭意念弯一把叉子。The magician claimed that he could bend the fork by his will power.
- “好吧,你要走就走吧!”伊斯顿凶狠地嚷道,把她一把推开。"Well, go by yourself if you want to!" shouted Easton fiercely, pushing her away from him.
- 一把不舒服的椅子;炎热、不舒适的一天。an uncomfortable chair; an uncomfortable day in the hot sun.
- 我二话没说,一把攥住瓶颈,使出全身气力,狠狠地砸在他的头上。Without a word I seized the bottle by the neck and hit him over the head with it as hard as I could.
- 一把好设计的刀应比同样好的制作但设计差的刀更有感染力。A knife of good design will be more appealing than an equally well made knife of poor design.
- 强盗用一把锋利的刀子刺他的胸口。The robber jabbed him in the chest with a sharp knife.
- 又要从素祭中取出一把,作为这事的纪念,烧在坛上,然后叫妇人喝这水。And the priest shall take an handful of the offering, even the memorial thereof, and burn it upon the altar, and afterward shall cause the woman to drink the water.
- 当庭出示的第一件物证是一把刀,据原告称是为谋杀凶器The first exhibit is a knife which the prosecution claimed being the murder weapon
- 我急忙推开压皱的软垫子,看见一把浓密的刷子。I pushed aside the crushed cushion in a rush and saw a bushy brush.
- 他一把就从我的手中抢走了所有的文件。He nipped the files from my hands.
- 我去伦敦总要带一把雨伞,入乡随俗嘛。I always carry an umbrella when I visit London. When in Rome do as the Romans do.
- 他的怪癖是手中拿一把尺子,前后摆动。His mannerism was to have a ruler in his hand and swing it to and fro
- 他伸出手去救她,吓得浑身发冷的她一把抓住了他,盼望着能得到些安慰。He put out his hands to save her, and she seized him, feeling for comfort, cold now from the shock.
- 又要从素祭中取出一把,作为这事的纪念,烧在坛上,然后叫妇人喝这水。"and he will take some of it in his hand, burning it on the altar as a sign, and then he will give the woman the bitter water."
- 苏秦为了驱除睡意,便将一把锥子放在身边。Therefore, i order to eliminate drowsiness, Shu Qin kept an awl by his side.