- 他一把抓住女孩,将她从冰冷的水中救了起来。He snatched the girl out of the icy water.
- “我做饭,打扫房间,洗衣服,看孩子,都够岁数,偶尔出去一次就不够岁数了。”I'm old enough to cook and clean house and wash clothes and take care of children, but not old enough to go out once in a while.
- 他伸出手去救她,吓得浑身发冷的她一把抓住了他,盼望着能得到些安慰。He put out his hands to save her, and she seized him, feeling for comfort, cold now from the shock.
- 那棵老松树仍然立在那儿,象一把雨伞盖住了入口。The old pine tree still stood there liked an umbrella covering the entrance.
- 他用一把锐利的刀子在橡树的树皮上割了一道锐利的伤口。He made a gash in the bark of the oak tree with a sharp knife.
- 我非常惊讶,连忙掐了自己一把看是否这一切都是一场梦。I am so amazed I have to pinch myself in case it is all a dream.
- 修水管的工人拿出一把扳手拧紧了螺栓The plumber take out a wrench and tighten the bolt
- 她一把抓住了他的臂膀,不觉眼泪洒在他的手腕上。She grabbed his arm and felt her tears splash down on his wrist.
- 给我母亲一把舒适的椅子和一台电视机她就非常快乐了。Give my mother a comfortable chair and a television set and she's as happy as the day's long.
- 他那好强的母亲忙不迭地走上前去,一把拽住了他的手。His sturdy mother quickly stepped forward to take hold of his hand.
- 他走了过去,在克莉斯廷旁边的一把空椅子上坐了下来。He went over and sat down in a vacant chair next to Christine.
- 他抹去了额角上的一把汗。 哭丧着脸,慌慌张张又问道:He wiped his hand across his perspiring forehead, then, a lugubrious expression on his face, he asked in an agitated voice:
- 我非常惊讶, 连忙掐了自己一把看是否这一切都是一场梦.I was so amazed I had to pinch myself in case it was all a dream.
- 小男孩企图避开他母亲。可是太迟了,母亲一把抓住了他。The little boy tried to get out of his mother's sight, but it was too late, and he was caught.
- 他们以为可以指望他用现金来帮他们一把,可是在最后关头他却失信了。They thought they could count on him backing them with cash but he ratted on the deal at the last minute.
- 令人自豪,因为他用一把尘土创造出了一个这么高超的人。Pride, that he has created out of a handful of dirt a being so grand.
- 她看到那个小男孩在树顶上时, 着实替他捏了一把汗。She feared for the little boy when she saw him at the top of the tree.
- 我非常惊讶,连忙掐了自己一把看是否这一切都是一场梦.I was so amazed I had to pinch myself in case it was all a dream.
- 事后,我又费了许多时间,吃了不少苦头,为自己做了一把After this I spent a great deal of time and pains to make me an umbrella.
- 当他看见陡崖上的一个棱角闪过眼前时,他一把攫住了它。As he saw the corner of the steep boulder flash past, he seized hold of it.