- 你横握手枪,利用枪口的跳动来水平横扫,这一手真是令人印象深刻。You held it sideways, and used the muzzle jump to create a horizontal sweep; that was impressive.
- 快来参加我们的活动,在弄了一手泥巴的时候你会学会用最原始的材料来创作!So come and get your hands dirty while creating something from a blob of clay!
- 一旦决定程序後,一手都将照着程序去做。Once the procedure is fixed upon,everything will be done accordingly.
- 光河五舅虽然未受高深教育,但继承了外祖父的好手艺,还写得一手好字。Despite his lack of formal learning,he nevertheless inherited his father's artistic talent and wrote well with the brush pen. Guanghe also dabbled in composing poems.
- 老太婆一手抓着拐杖,一手拿着两个银币蹒跚而去。The old woman hobbled off, clutching her stick in her hand and her two groats in the other.
- 最后定约叫牌打桥牌时通过一手牌的最后的定约叫牌指出(一组王牌或无王牌)To designate(a trump suit or no - trump)with the final bid of a hand in bridge.
- 一种从石弓中分化出来的用手来发射的弓箭。a bow drawn by hand as distinguished from a crossbow.
- 每位政治运动领袖都留了一手以备选举日前最后一周使用(阿特·布赫沃德)Every political campaign manager saves a thunderbolt for the last week before Election Day(Art Buchwald)
- 术者以一手全掌紧贴在受术者的上肢部,另一只手握住受术者的手,徐缓地向前推进;The performer grasps beneficiary 's one hand and with another hand to keep close to the upper limbs, to push slowly forward;
- 这是因为他喜欢电影里那位一手拿着棒球棒,一手拿着扩音器在走廊里走来走去的校长的形象。Because he liked the stereotype of the principal in the movie, walking in the halls with a baseball bat and a bullhorn.
- 说来不信,他举起手来,朝我当胸一推,几乎把我推到一辆公共汽车的轱辘下面。An' if you'll believe me, 'e puts 'is 'and on my chest and gives me a shove as pretty near sent me under the wheels of a bus.
- "第二天上午,她穿着一件毛皮大衣,一手拎着手提包,一手拿着长柄伞,又来到这家商店。""She returned to the shop the following morning dressed in a fur coat, with a handbag in one hand and a long umbrella in the other."
- 我只有一双手; 我腾不出手来做别的事I have only one pair of hands.
- 我们必须坚持对外开放、对内搞活经济这一手。We are determined to open up and to stimulate the economy.
- 在暴风雨期间我们一手交通都断绝了。We were deprived of any transport during the storm.
- 我认为我看出了你在这件事里插了一手。I think I have seen your hoof in it.
- 她打得一手好网球,你应当看看她打球。She is a very good tennis player; you ought to see her in action.
- 非正式的摄影;通常用一手握式照相机。an informal photograph; usually made with a small hand-held camera.
- 强不只歌唱得好,也弹得一手好钢琴。Jon not only can sing but also play the piano well.
- 比如,在一手或者双手得球后,必须在3秒钟之内或最多走3步后打出去。For example,as soon as the ball is held in one or both hands,it must be played within 3 seconds or after no more than 3 steps.