- 每念及此,我深为国家的长足发展感到骄傲,深为自己是一个中国人感到自豪。I am therefore greatly honoured to be a Chinese and take immense pride in the development of our country.
- 今天的讲道词让我们念及举办过的最美好的圣经学习之一。For our exhortation this morning we will be considering one of the most wonderful Bible Schools ever held.
- 他传给我一套咒语,让我对着月光念,一念就能驾着月光走。He taught me a conjuration which I made to the moonbeams enabling me to embrace them suddenly.
- 请将相片,录影带或光碟(如有)及此报告书一并交计划秘书处Please submit photos, video-tapes or CD-ROMS (if any) of the activity together with the report to the Secretariat
- 念to read aloud
- 一念a thought
- 他克制自己,不再提及此事。He forbears to mention the matter again.
- 当我们念及这种斗争,我们可以自慰的,就是完全相信自然界的战争并不是没有间断的。When we reflect on this struggle, we may console ourselves with the full belief, that the war of nature is not incessant.
- 引擎一发动,我的车就给电池充电了。My car charges up the battery whenever the engine runs.
- 他克制住自己,不再提及此事.He forbore to mention/mentioning the matter again.
- 这句话就是:所有的成就,所有的财富,源头都在一念之间。It is this--All achievement,all riches,have their beginning in an idea.
- 请接受我们对你及你全家的美好祝福,祝你们新年快乐。Please accept our wishes for you and yours for a happy New Year.
- 一念心"yi nian xin"
- 她的眼睛里显露出一丝对此事感到兴趣的神情。A gleam of interest in the matter came into her eye.
- 难念的unreadable
- 现在我不想向他提此及此事。I don't want to bring up the matter to him now.
- 一念三千Yinian Sanqian
- 老师给这个懒惰的小学生发了一份措辞严厉的学习报告单,希望借此使他勤奋起来。The teacher gave the lazy pupil a severe report in the hope that it would shake him up.
- 这种欲望如此强烈,他真想从节制会退出来,念及自己能有机会佩戴红肩带好好露把脸,他才打消了退会的念头。the desire grew to be so intense that nothing but the hope of a chance to display himself in his red sash kept him from withdrawing from the order.
- 一念不生suspended spiritua activity