- 求索seek
- 路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索Long, Long had been my road and far, far was the journey; I would go up and down to seek my heart's desire; The way stretched endless ahead, I shall search heaven and earth
- 我们一心想买幢大一点的房子。We have set our sights on a bigger house.
- 这人一心想着出国。The man is consumed with the idea of going abroad.
- 爱的求索pursuit of love
- 人生是一所病院,每一个住院患者都一心想换自己的床。Life is a hospital in which every patient is possessed by the desire to change his bed.
- 矢志求索unswerving exploration
- 他一心想帮助我们。He is zealous to help us.
- 精品剧目求索录In Search of Fine works of Stage Art
- 年轻的军官一心取胜,他并不害怕与自己的将军比试一下。He was so vain and reckless that he would break a lance or two with his general.
- 我一直在上下求索I've been searching high and low
- 他一心想出国深造。He was intent on going abroad for advanced studies.
- 陈小宪求索中信模式Seeking for the CITIC Model
- 我初次见到她时,我还是个一心想成为音乐家的十分年轻的人。I met her first when I was a very young willing be musician.
- 他一生都在求索真理。He has devoted all his life to searching for truth.
- 他一心想取得成功。He was bent on success.
- 高职教育:上下求索天地宽Higher Vocational Education: Wide Space by Researching up and down
- 一心想着这项任务to set one's mind to a task
- 现代化求索与现代性反思The Longing for Modernization and the Reflecting on Modernity
- 他总是一心为他人。He always forgets himself.