- 他们怀着希望将手电筒一开一关地打信号。They winked their flashlights hopefully.
- 当大礼堂的门一开一关时,我们听到了片断的歌声。We heard snatches of the singing as the doors of the auditorium opened and closed.
- 门一开一关的声音。The sounds of doors opening and closing.
- 触点数量:一开一闭两组触点,双向动作The number of contact: an open a close contact group, and two-way movements
- 开关power switch
- 当我有了足够的钱,第二个梦想是,我想开一家中式饭店,因为我的专业是饭店管理。Second one when I got the money from my cottage and I think the second dream is just to open a Chinese hotel because my major was hotel management.
- 使我们烦恼而担忧的往往是琐碎的小事情;我们可以躲过大象,但避不开一只小苍蝇。It is the little bits of things that fret and worry us; we can dodge an elephant, but we can't a fly.
- 内阁会议一开完,他就提出了辞呈。He handed in his resignation right after the cabinet meeting.
- 他好不容易才攒足了开一家饭馆的钱。He scraped up the money to start a restaurant.
- 一开一阖constant breathing
- 橙黄色花,单竖立花序,两年一开花且花期短的多年生植物;有时归桂竹香属。showy erect biennial or short-lived perennial cultivated for its terminal racemes of orange-yellow flowers; sometimes placed in genus Cheiranthus.
- 他仔细敲开一只坚果,然后递给了我。He carefully cracked a nut and then gave it to me.
- 一开电门,水就自动哗哗流进地里。You turn the switch and the water rushes into the fields by itself.
- 你必须时常开一开你的车。You have to drive your car from time to time.
- 关-一个独立的射击挑战,每一关必须分开来计算时间与得分以决定最后的成绩。"Stage - An individual shooting challenge. Each stage shall be timed and scored separately, to determine final stage results. "
- 就是一开一合,能让大船通过的塔桥Tower Bridge the bridge that opens to let the tall ships through
- 今天是我的生日,让我们开一瓶香槟喝吧。It's my birthday; let's crack a bottle of champagne.
- 33他必像葡萄树的葡萄,未熟而落。又像橄榄树的花,一开而谢。He will be like a vine stripped of its unripe grapes, like an olive tree shedding its blossoms.
- 门一开,进来一位穿蓝上衣的中年人。The door opened and there entered a middle-aged man in a blue coat .
- 每隔4年进行一次选举,国会一年开一次会。Elections take place every four years and Congress meets once a year.