- 一对完美的鹿角.a fine pair of antlers
- 我的确切意思是,她对完美的要求提得太高,这么一来,她就过分渲染了她自己的优点。I mean literally that she pushes the search for perfection too far that her merits are in themselves overstrained.
- 你可曾见过一对完美的夫妻?Have you met a perfect couple ?
- 南美小鹿一种南美洲短角鹿属小鹿,有短且无分枝的鹿角Any of several small South American deer of the genus Mazama,having short,unbranched horns.
- 我的确切意思是,她对完美的要求提得太高,这么一来,她就过分渲染了她自己的优点。I mean literally that she pushes the search for perfection too far that her merits are in themselves overstrained.
- 警方抓获一对试图从地中海地区的某一地方进口大量海洛因的年轻夫妇。The police caught a young couple trying to import a huge quantity of heroin from somewhere in the Mediterranean.
- 任何属于p种的热带蕨类植物,有大而平的浅裂的叶子,象雄鹿的鹿角any of various tropical ferns of the genus Platycerium having large flat lobed fronds often resembling the antlers of a stag
- 对完美的不懈追求The relentless pursuit of excellence
- 一对年轻夫妇悠闲地在小路上漫步。A young couple ambled along the path.
- 她对完美的不懈追求her relentless pursuit of perfection
- 拉手环舞一对或几对舞伴双手相牵在地板上转圈跳的乡村舞蹈A country-dance figure in which couples or a couple join hands and swing around the floor.
- 奢华是对完美的追求。Luxury is a quest of perfection.
- 电影与现实生活之间的主要差别是,在电影里,一对男女历经苦难后终成眷属。The chief difference between the movies and real life is that in the movies they are married at the end of their difficulty.
- 但是这种对完美的追求并没有在你的书中表现出来。But this quest for perfection does play a role in your books.
- 在联谊会上她和网球俱乐部来的那个讨厌男人成了一对搭档。She's been paired off for the evening with that unpleasant man from the tennis club.
- 他不让任何东西完美,于是,人类才有了对完美的渴望。He doesn't make any thing perfect, hence, the mankind just had to the perfect desire.
- 她的美丽的小嘴,宙斯以前是赞不绝口的,现在变成了一对骇人的下巴;Her mouth, which Jove used to praise for its beauty, became a horrid pair of jaws;
- 这种对完美的执着使她在银幕上的演出更加自然而不造作。This obsession with perfection helped make her onscreen performance seem more natural.
- 不和,不一致在一对同卵双胞胎中,某一特定基因特征只表现两者中的一个身上The presence of a given genetic trait in only one member of a pair of identical twins.
- 对完美的追求,使我们向国际游客提供世界上最佳的服务。Our passion for perfection.prompts us to give international travellers the best service in the world.