- 三年three years
- 比尔在一连三年的足球赛季中都是预备队员,他希望教练今年会让他参加比赛。Bill has been warming the bench for three football seasons; he hopes that the coach will let him play this year.
- 根据契约,他拜一位铁匠为师当三年学徒。He was bound out to a blacksmith for three years.
- 三年时间triennium
- 三年的triennial
- 我在大学已经学习了三年多。I have studied in the university above three years.
- 他在一家血汗工厂做了三年才找到一份像样的工作。He spent three years in a sweatshop before he found a decent job.
- 三年前,我去过葡萄牙。I went to Portugal three years ago.
- 事情极其顺利地继续了三年。For three years matters went bravely on.
- 他俩结婚三年后便分居了。They separated three years after they got married.
- 三年中,他的收入增至三倍。His income tripled in three years.
- 她在牛津三年求学期间Her three years at Oxford
- 张春贤:一朝部长治下的三年交通运输The three-year road transport which under the operation of Zhang Chunxian, the Minister of MOC
- 他在短短的三年中从赤贫一跃而成巨富。He went from rags to riches in only three years.
- 海豚每隔两到三年生育一只小海豚。Dolphins produce a single calf once every two or three years.
- 报称少于每三年检查牙一次的人数是1。The number of persons who reported that they had dental checkup less frequent than once every three years was 1.
- 每三年发生一次的,或持续三年的。occurring every third year or lasting 3 years.
- 三年前,一位数学家解决了这个问题。It was three years ago that a young mathematician solved the problem.
- 三年后,他在底特律得到一份机械师的工作。Three years later, he took a job as a mechanic in Detroit.
- 在那个国家每三年就有一次普选/大选。There is a general election in that country every three years.