- 一天天day by day
- 日子一天天过去了,终于又有一天小男孩告诉父亲钉子全拔出来了。The days passed and the young boy was finally able to tell his father that all the nails were gone.
- 空气稀薄,天空更加苍白,大地也一天天变得苍白起来。The air was thin and the sky was paler, and every day the earth paled.
- “他从不想一天天地被人统治,即使是一个月也不行”(纽约人)"He was never going to be deadlined by a day, or even a month" (New Yorker)
- 这个可怜的女孩日复一日地等待情人从国外回来,因此她一天天地瘦下去。The poor girl has been expecting her lover back from abroad day after day, so she is getting thinner and thinner day by day.
- 日子一天天过去,她一天天长大,每天都想著怎么做才能把世界变得更美丽。As time passed, she became older and older. Every day she kept thinking how she could make the world prettier.
- 食品一天天变得丰富起来。Food became more plentiful each day.
- 日子一天天过去,戴安娜望眼欲穿地等着她的王子,却连一个电话都没有等到。As the days passed, Diana pined for her prince and yet he never telephoned.
- 后来,随着一天天渐渐变成一周了,他开始考虑“自由之友”是否还有卷土重来的可能。Then, as the days extended into week, he began wondering if a rebirth of Friends of Freedom might be possible.
- 病人的情况在一天天坏下去。The patient is getting worse and worse.
- 我们一天天地混日子.We muddle along from day to day.
- 她的健康状况一天天好起来。She is getting better day by day.
- 随着天气一天天干燥,土地越来越坚硬。The soil is firming up now that the weather is drier.
- 食物一天天多了起来。Food become more plentiful each day.
- 天气一天天变化。The weather varies from day to day.
- 现实是一天天发展的。The objective world keeps developing from day to day.
- 阿金和他母亲的日子一天天兴旺起来。Ah Kin and his mother managed to become more and more prosperous day by day.
- 玛丽安一天天继续好转Marianne continued to mend every day.
- 敌人在一天天垮下去。The enemy is rotting with every passing day.
- 他的身体一天天消瘦下去。He's swealing every day.