- 最大推定法maximum likelihood estimation
- 颈腰椎旋转手法拇指最大推扳力比较及量效关系的研究Comparative study on dose-effect relationship of cracking sounds and the largest manipulative force by cervical and lumbar rotatory manipulations
- 腰椎旋转手法所致咔哒声与拇指最大推扳力的量效关系研究Study on dose-effect relationship of cracking sounds and largest manipulative force by lumbar rotated and localized manipulation
- 他拿了一大束用白色薄纸包着的花。He carried a big bunch of flowers done up in white tissue.
- 颈椎定点旋转手法所致咔哒声响与最大推扳力的量效关系研究A study on dose-effect relationship of click sounds and maximum thumb manipulative force by cervical rotation and local manipulation
- 他在四十岁之前已积聚了一大笔财富。Before he was forty he amassed a large fortune.
- 时髦男士们一次赌博就要输掉一大笔钱。Gallants gambled away a fortune at a sitting.
- 一大批医生跟病害做了闪电式的斗争。An army of doctors blitzed the disease.
- 卫兵给我们端来一大盘子扁豆焖饭。Guards brought us s large plate of rice smothered with a lentil stew.
- 她给我们讲了学校的荣誉还有一大堆这类的事情.She lectured us about the honour of the school and all that jazz.
- 我们从昨晚起就积压了一大堆预约。We have a backlog of reservations from last night.
- 前线部队得到了一大批军事学院学员的增援。The front army troops were strengthened by a large contingent of students from the military academy.
- 那一大桶燕麦粥在电炉上扑哧扑哧作响。The vat of oatmeal stood gasping on the electric range.
- 新城的中心是一大堆平民百姓的住宅。The centre of the Town was occupied by a pile of houses for the populace.
- 这人把一大笔钱押在这位拳击手身上。The man staked a handsome sum on the boxer.
- 克莱夫由于未经许可就用车,被他父亲狠狠地训斥了一大顿。Clive's father (really) gave him a good chewing out for using the car without permission.
- 那位战斗英雄受到一大群人的热烈欢送。That combat hero was warmly sent off by a large crowd.
- 还有一大批著名的地点都可以在网上提供信用卡比较并肩。There are a large number of reputable sites online where you can compare credit card offers side by side.
- 我的办公桌上放了一大堆商务信函要我处理。There's a mound of business letters on my desk for me to deal with.
- 如果他被忘记,那是我们的盛宴的一大缺陷,一切都不象样了。If he had been forgotten, it had been a gap in our great feast, and all things unbecoming.