- 我不愿用那块臭肉喂我的狗。I would not feed that stinking meat to my dog .
- 短暂的白昼和沉郁的天气勾结到了一块,将伊娃的情绪降到了最低点。The short days and foul weather conspire to drive Eva into the ground.
- 我闻出这肉坏了。I nosed the meat gone.
- 杰克欠戴维一块钱,他于是向乔借了一块钱去还戴维。他这是借东家还西家。Jack owed David a dollar,so he borrowed another from Joe to pay David back. He robbed Peter to pay Paul.
- 在如此热的天气,肉坏了。The meat has gone bad in such hot weather.
- 遮阳板汽车挡风玻璃上一块用以挡强烈阳光的固定不动的挡板A fixed or movable shield against glare attached above the windshield of an automotive vehicle.
- 昨天的肉坏了但他还是吃了下去。Yesterday's meat was high but he had made himself swallow it.
- 一块巨大的圆石堵住了山洞的入口。A massive boulder blocked the entrance of the cave.
- 园子里每个人头上顶了一只平锅,那情景特别滑稽可笑。The scene in the garden,when everyone had saucepans on their heads was too funny for words.
- 她被路上一块隆起的地面绊了一下。She tripped over a bump on the road.
- 人生的意义不在于拿了一手好牌,而在于打好一手坏牌。(当然,牌太坏了上帝也打不好。The real meaning of life is make good use of what you have but not having good luck. (But bad luck makes God have headache.
- 她把肉切成块,分给我们每人一块。She carved up the meat and gave each of us a piece.
- 一天一个女人来到他丈夫身边告诉他电视机坏了,她不能收看她想要看的节目。One day a woman came up to her husband and told him that the TV was broken and she was missing her shows.
- 绿色生菜叶上放了一块肉,配以一大片西红柿。The meat was served on a bed of green lettuce with a generous slice of tomato.
- 那工作非常吃力,一天下来可把我累坏了。The work was so exacting that it ran me ragged by the end of the day.
- 有一次一只狗从肉铺里偷了一块肉。Once a dog stole a piece of meat from a butcher's shop.
- 我必须买一枝新钢笔,因为这一枝坏了。I must buy a new pen because this one is broken.
- 入口被一块无法移动的石头堵住了。The entrance is blocked by an immovable rock.
- 很抱歉给聚会抹上了一层阴影, 可是恐怕有些坏消息要告诉大家。I am sorry to cast a cloud on the party, but I am afraid there's been some bad news.
- 其中有一只俯冲下来,用爪子抓起一块肉就飞走了。One of them swooped down, picked up a piece of meat with its claws, and flew away.