- 一向lately
- 自诩crack oneself up
- 他对朋友一向守信用。He always keeps faith with his friends.
- 我不自诩有金融方面的专门知识。I make no pretensions to expert Knowledge of financial matters.
- 我们旅行一向很考究。We always travel deluxe.
- 我们的百货商店一向受到高度赞扬。Our department store has always been very highly commended.
- 别总自诩了。Don't always crack yourself up!
- 自诩的专家a would-be expert
- 他生活一向不顺心,但他对每一事情仍抱乐观态度。Life has not been easy for him; he still sees everything through rose-coloured spectacles.
- 那个人自诩出身高贵。The man boasted himself to be of noble origin.
- 他一向公然违抗习俗。He has always flown in the face of custom.
- 这话听来颇近自诩。That sounded pretty complacent
- 他对自己早年的经历一向嘴紧。He is secret about his past.
- 她未自诩在这个题目上是专家。She makes no pretensions to expert knowledge of the subject.
- 他是那种说话一向直言不讳的人。He is the kind of person who always calls a spade a spade.
- 自诩为praise oneself as
- 他一向不苟言笑。He keeps his gravity all along.
- 他以学问自诩是可笑的。His pride of knowledge is ridiculous.
- 我一向设法让晚餐菜肴准时上餐桌。I try to be punctual in getting dinner on the table.
- 从此逍遥自诩From this time on have called himself Unfettererd