- 高尔夫球手一不小心用一号木杆打到了球。The golfer accidentally toed the ball with his driver.
- 号roar
- 我想用3号木杆打这杆。For this shot, I need a three wood.
- 五号the fifth
- 阜阳双古堆1号木牍札记二则Two Essays On No. 1 Wooden Slips Unearthed from Shuang Gudui of Fuyang City
- 帐号account number
- 单号odd numbers
- 先遣人员把我和其他随行人员匆匆忙忙弄上了“空军一号”总统座机。Advance men had bundled me and other members of the Party aboard the Presidential aircraft, Air Force One.
- 一号first day of the month
- 六号6th day of the month
- 约翰和玛丽在五月一号结婚。出去旅游。来家里。来这里。John and Mary will get married on the first of May. Go to travel come home come here.
- 这件稍稍大了一点。拿件小一号的给我试试好吗?It's a trifle too big. Could I try a size smaller?
- 2006年7月31日,一桶冰块被放置在老型号的地铁一号线车内。July 31th in 2006, a pail of ice-cubes was place in the subway No.1 line car of the old model number.
- 我的薪水[工资]从每月一号开始算。My pay is reckoned from the1st of the month.
- 1974年,在陕西省临潼县西杨村发现了秦始皇陵一号从葬坑兵马俑。In 1974, Vault 1 of the Terracotta army of Emperor Qinshihuang was unearthed in Xiyang Village, Lintong County, Shanxi Province.
- 正式的,木头比一号球杆直而比三号球杆斜一些的木球杆formerly a golfing wood with a face more elevated that a driver but less than a spoon
- 北京地铁一号线ATS仿真系统数据库的设计Design of ATS Simulation System of Beijing Line One Subway
- 延斯-莱曼告诉曼努埃尔-阿穆尼亚,他目前还不应担任阿森纳的一号门将。Jens Lehmann has told Manuel Almunia he does not yet deserve to be first-choice goalkeeper at Arsenal.
- 我们一星期后见,即三月一号那天见。We'll meet you in a week, that is, on March 1.
- 下一站:广都,这是一号线终点站。The next station: Guang Du, end of Line one.