- 台湾的交通十分繁忙,连停车都一位难求。Even the traffic is crowded and the parking space is awfully limited.
- 梭在大街小巷,想找个停车位,经常是绕了好大的圈子,还是一位难求。Trying to find a car park on the busy streets is so difficult that very often we have to circle every street and lane many times.
- 例如,如果他们想找一位服务员,“电子面试考官”可能就会问你如何对付一位难缠的顾客。For example,if interviewing for a customer service job,the tele-recruiter might ask how you handled a difficult customer.
- 难problem
- 请您届时携带夫人或其他一位客人光临。我们期待着您的到来。Come and bring your wife of other guest. We look forward to seeing you.
- 在辩论中他是位难应付的对手。In debate he was a formidable opponent.
- 1860年,一位名叫WilliamLow的英国人提出了一项更好的计划。In1860, a better plan was put forward by an Englishman, William Low.
- 远水难求近火。Water after quench not fire.
- 他渴望能和一位英国人建立通信联系,以便促进文化交流。He is eager to enter into correspondence with an Englishman for promoting culture exchange.
- 头位难产中产钳助产术应用变迁The alternation of application of obstetrics forceps in dystocia of vertex presentation
- 尽管奢望难求,我仍然希望多陪伴你一天But then again Leave me wishing still, for one more day with you
- 3年来她一直师从于一位著名的音乐家。For three years she is studying under a famous musician.
- 大约二十年前,他在家乡已经是一位举足轻重的人物了。Some20 years ago, he was already a force to be reckoned with in his home village.
- 和平比战争难求,因和平必须双方同意促成,而发动战争只需一人。Peace to acquire is harder than war. For peace is done by two sides, but to launch a war, one is enought.
- 那位伤兵在一位农夫的帮助下又回到同志们中间。The injured soldier was reunited with his comrades under the help of a farmer.
- 吉恩还是位难得一遇的好父亲,他接纳了我与前夫的女儿。Gene is a fantastic father who adopted my daughter from a previous marriage.
- 一位电影明星对我们公司提起诉讼。A film star filed a lawsuit against our firm.
- 她在一位医生的诊所中担任接待员。She is a receptionist in a doctor's office.
- 一位有智慧的将军在任何战争中都能占上风。A wise general can gain the upper hand in any battle.
- 他有幸找到了一位百万富翁赞助人。He was lucky to have found a millionaire patron.