- 一件小号棕色的皮夹克;A small brown leather jacket.
- 好的。一件小号棕色的皮夹克。咱们看一看。这件怎么样?A: OK. A small brown leather jacket. Let's see. How about this one?
- 开车的人穿着一件既没有拉链又没有任何扣子的皮夹克。The driver was wearing a leather jacket that didn't have a zipper or any buttons.
- 这是一件困难的工作,但是我们终于完成了任务;我们成功了。It was difficult task but we brought it off; we succeeded
- 她穿着一件棕色的衣服,并有帽子和手套相配。She was wearing a brown dress with hat and gloves to match.
- 这人穿着一件人造革皮夹克。The man was wearing an imitation leather jacket.
- 她装模作样试穿衣服时偷了一件皮夹克。She ripped off a leather jacket while ostensibly trying on clothes.
- "他买了一件礼物给生气的妻子,但她不肯就此息怒。""He bought his angry wife a gift, but she refused to be mollified."
- 请不要因为这样一件小事使我们分开。Please don't let such a small matter divide us.
- 于是,他就用一件炭灰色细条纹的套装配上衬衫和领带。So he wore his tuxedo shirt and tie with a pinstriped charcoal-gray suit.
- 编辑们做了一件极好的工作,把双方的意见都摆在桌面上了。The editors do an excellent job in putting both sides so the table.
- 报纸上的漫画是一种风趣的图画,通常是针对某一件时事的。A newspaper cartoon is an amusing drawing, usually about some event in the news.
- 安吉拉在做时装模特儿,展示一件吸引人的蓝绸连衣裙。Angela is modelling an attractive blue silk dress.
- 我们的日程安排中要做的下一件事是给我们的朋友打电话。The next thing on our schedule is to telephone our friends.
- 一件是一个骑上塑像的黏土模型,后来被敌军弓箭手射成碎片。One was a clay model for an equestrian statue which was subsequently shot to pieces by enemy arc hers
- 第一次爆炸发生后,有人想到切断所有的电源,这真是一件幸事。It was a good thing somebody had the brains to switch off all the power when the first explosion occurred.
- 约翰将被调往另一个城市去工作,所以他的同事凑钱为他买了一件送别礼物。John will be assigned to work in anther city so his colleagues passed the hat round to buy him a sendoff gift.
- 对一个生活在城市中的人来说,在乡下呆上一天真是一件乐事A day in the country is a real treat for a city person.
- 如果每个人都凑点钱,我们就能给他买一件确实不错的临别纪念品了。If everyone chips in we'll be able to buy him a really nice leaving present.
- 一个谦虚的人从来不会夸口说只有他才能够完成这样一件困难的任务。It has never been the boast of a modest person that he alone could accomplish such a hard task.