- 埃米莉小姐一人独自住在那所大房子里,在等待30年前她打算嫁给的那个男人。Miss Emily lives by herself in that big house, waiting for the man she was supposed to marry thirty yearn gao.
- 适用简易程序审理的民事案件,由审判员一人独任审理。In civil cases where simple procedures are applicable, justice is administered by one judge independently.
- 王平: 他就是朝鲜的神枪手西吉山,一人独得4枚金牌,三枚团体金牌。Wang Ping: He was Xi Jishan,the dead shot from DP Korea. He won four gold medals alone,and three team gold medals.
- 一股独大The Single-Large shareholder
- 宁可一人独往,莫与坏人为伴。Better go it alone than to be in bad company.
- 一党独大hegemony
- 晚饭还是我一人独吃,我烦恼透了。Supper too I eat alone. I'm filled with ennui.
- 一党独大制One-Party Dominant System
- “一家独大”only strongest status
- 诺贝尔在高朋满座时兴致勃勃,孤单一人时却常常郁郁寡欢。Although cheerful in company Nobel was often sad in privacy.
- 各人独用的餐碟individual saltcellars
- 她从小就受这样的教养:认为恋爱结婚一人一生只能有一次。She was brought up to believe you fell in love and got married once in a lifetime.
- 论"一股独大"的潜在优势On the Potential Advantages of "One Big Share Alone"
- 妈妈把蛋糕切成两半分给我们一人一半。Mother cut the cake in hag and gave us some each.
- "一股独大"与家族股份的市场化进程"One share dominates exclusively" and the process of family stock going to market
- 介绍方式将一人介绍给另一人的方法,例如通过私人信件A means, such as a personal letter, of presenting one person to another.
- 个人独企individual proprietorship enterprise
- 只有他一人直言不讳地表示反对关闭医院。He is the only one to speak out against the closure of the hospital.
- 我国家族上市公司"一股独大"的利益分析Interest Analysis of "Domination of a Single Shareholder" in the Family Listed Company of China
- 古罗马人独爱玫瑰香味。The Romans were enamored with the smell of roses.