- 我不饿,只是你母亲对我们出于好心,我才饱饱地吃了一顿。I wasn't hungry; I only ate that big meal because your mother meant well by us.
- 两个男孩把蛋糕切成两块,一人吃一半。The boys cut the cake in two and ate half each.
- 对那些全家没有人就业的,还要救济,总以不饿死人为原则。Relief will be extended to families where no member has a job, our principle being not to allow anybody to die of starvation.
- 仿佛一无所求,她静静地坐着,这时婴儿已吃饱了,但由于奶头不在嘴里而嘤嘤啼哭。She sat silent, intent on nothing, while the baby, already glutted with milk, whimpered because he had lost the friendly nipple.
- 他独自一人吃了饭。He ate the meal all by his lonesome.
- 诺贝尔在高朋满座时兴致勃勃,孤单一人时却常常郁郁寡欢。Although cheerful in company Nobel was often sad in privacy.
- 他已吃饱,而且相当撑He was fed up, and that to a great degree.
- 这个小男孩独自一人时往往按饿,因为他不会做饭。The boy often goes hungry when he is on his own because he can't cook.
- 现在我们最大的享乐就是吃饱肚子。Our greatest enjoyment now is to stuff ourselves.
- 晚上就餐时勿争辩,原因是,肚子不饿的人始终会占尽上风。Never argue at the dinner table,for the one who is not hungry always gets the best of the argument.
- 吃饱了游泳,你会肚子疼。If you swim on a full stomach, you will have stomach ache.
- 我们共有四个人,因此我们把橘子分成四等分,每人吃一份。There were four of us, so we divided the orange into quarters and each ate a piece.
- 不许一人不尽其职,一事不利救亡。Nobody will be allowed to neglect his duty and nothing will be allowed to undermine the cause of national salvation.
- 你难道不饿吗?你总是一点一点地吃东西。Aren't you hungry? You're only nibbling at your food.
- 我不想独自一人去看电影,是不是一块去?I don't want to go to the film on my own; Shall we go together?
- 7人吃饱了,厌恶蜂房的蜜。人饥饿了,一切苦物都觉甘甜。The full soul loatheth an honeycomb; but to the hungry soul every bitter thing is sweet.
- 不可能单单邀请吉姆一个人。他们夫妇到哪里都结伴而行。那肯定是一人来,全家到。It's impossible to invite just Jim by himself. The couple go everywhere together. It has to be a case of come one,come all.
- 除夕之夜,一家人吃了一顿丰盛的团圆饭。On New Year's Eve the whole family had a sumptuous feast of reunion.
- “我不饿,”摩根嘟哝道,“一想到福林特,我就什么也吃不下了。”'I don't feel sharp,' growled Morgan. 'Thinkin' o' Flint - I think it were - as done me.'
- 我女儿宁愿与她的兄弟们乱打胡闹,也不愿一人玩她的洋娃娃。My daughter would rather join in a rough and tumble with her brothers than play with dolls.