- 没有这种干预,会议就会变成发表一人之见的讲台,使真正的意见一致难以实现。Without intervention, a meeting can become a platform for one personis point of view, thereby making a true consensus difficult to achieve.
- 有些故事是捏造的,从一人之口传到另一人之口。Some stories are invented and handed from mouth to mouth.
- 先人之见[法] parti pris
- 一人之笔调始终受其“文学情人”之渲染。A man's style is always colored by his "literary lover."
- 小人之见岂有差异。Fools seldom differ.
- 诺贝尔在高朋满座时兴致勃勃,孤单一人时却常常郁郁寡欢。Although cheerful in company Nobel was often sad in privacy.
- 一人之力a solo effort
- 她从小就受这样的教养:认为恋爱结婚一人一生只能有一次。She was brought up to believe you fell in love and got married once in a lifetime.
- 一人之失,百人之师A past mistake of one serves as a good lesson to all
- 这当然还是一家之见,至于能否让同仁们接受,还不敢肯定。Of course this is only a personal view,and I am not certain my peers will accept it.
- 妈妈把蛋糕切成两半分给我们一人一半。Mother cut the cake in hag and gave us some each.
- 天无绝人之路There is always a way out.
- 一人之失,百人之师。A past mistake of one serves as a good lesson to all.
- 介绍方式将一人介绍给另一人的方法,例如通过私人信件A means, such as a personal letter, of presenting one person to another.
- 唉,那是客臣的井蛙之见喽,所谓“情人眼里出西施”啦。Don't take them into the Garden,"Ming-yen warned him."If they were found I'd be in serious trouble.
- 过人之处forte
- 依我之见,我们不应过高地估价或拒绝任何一种。Personally, we should not overestimate or deny either of them.
- 人之初,性本善。Man's nature at birth is good.
- 我又举目观看,见有一人,手拿准绳。Then I lifted up my eyes and I looked, and there was a man, and in His hand was a measuring line.
- 人之初,性本善