- 经常和中国人在一起,一个美国人免不了受到他们的影响。Being with Chinese most of the time, an American can't avoid their influence.
- 一个美国人在撒哈拉沙漠旅行。他身上穿着一身游泳衣。一个游牧民诧异地看着他。An American touring the Sahara was dressed in a bathing suit. A Bedouin gazed at him in amazement.
- 美国United States
- 一个美国人平均一年约吃46块馅饼。The advantage American consumes approximately 46 slices of pizza a year.
- 居住在巴黎的美国人American expatriates in Paris
- 虽然她出生不是在美国,但靠嫁给一个美国人而成了美国公民。Though she is not American by birth, she's an American by virtue of her marriage to an American.
- 8月19日,抵抗力量开始在巴黎举行起义,6天后,一个法国装甲师和一个美国步兵师彻底解放了这座首都。On August 19, resistance forces began open insurrection in Paris, and six days later a French armored division and an American infantry division completed the liberation of the capital.
- 美国人在点头时表示“是”。Americans usually mean " Yes" when they nod their heads.
- 芬兰总共获得了9枚田径金牌,打破了美国人在这项运动中的独霸局面。In all,Finland won nine track and field gold medals to break the U.S.dominance in the sport.
- 一个美国人的梦想Nitty Gritty Dirt Band - An American Dream
- 他讲英语像一个美国人。He speaks English like an American.
- 一位叫唐纳德·邓肯的美国人在20世纪20年代初看到了悠悠球的运用。An American named Donald Duncan saw the yo-yo in action in the early 1920s.
- 我误认为你是一个美国人。I mistook you for an American.
- 多数美国人在日程表上写满了约会,把时间分成一段一段的。Most Americans live in time segments by engagement calendars.
- 美国人在家时瞧不起那些阻碍交通、吃得 又多的度假者。Americans at home despise holiday-makers who clog the streets and eat too much.
- 一个美国印第安人部族联帮政府的代表(尤其保留在印度)。A representative of the federal government to American Indian tribes (especially on Indian reservations).
- 美国人在家时瞧不起那些阻碍交通、吃得又多的度假者。Americans at home despise holiday-makers who clog the streets and eat too much.
- 队长是一个美国人,他的妻子是中国人。The team is headed by an American, whose wife is a Chinese.
- 美国人在freeways上驾驶的是automobiles,给车加gas;Americans drive automobiles down freeways and fill up with gas;
- 一个美国人问道:"你喜欢打橄榄球吗?""An American asked, "Do you like playing football?""