- 一个an
- 丑角的笑话一个比一个好。Each clown capped the last joke of the other.
- 这种拱具有一个比一个高的拱座(或桥台)an arch whose support is higher on one side than on the other
- 查找下一个find next
- 比ratio
- 一个人one
- 下一个next
- 此外,一个比一个空房子显得局促请杂物。In addition, an empty house looks bigger than one crammed with your junk.
- 昨天夜里我做了几个怪梦,一个比一个可笑。I had some crazy dreams last night. Each was funnier than the last.
- 从O点出发,把一个球推上一个比一个高的斜坡。Starting from point O a ball is pushed up the suceessively higher ramps.
- 从O点出发,把一个球推上一个比一个高的斜坡。Starting from point O a ball is pushed up the suceessively higher ramps.
- 菲利浦是一个比詹姆斯好得多的选手,可以远远胜过他。Philip is a much better player than James and can run rings round him.
- 对教会来说,没有一种异端或哲学比一个大活人更可恶了。There is no heresy or no philosophy which is so abhorrent to the church as a human being.
- 在地板中央,彼得正与一个比他个头大一倍的人激烈搏斗。In the middle of the floor, Peter was struggling furiously with a man twice his size.
- 我就要得到的解脱比一个囚徒除去桎梏所感到的还要大。Never did a prisoner released from his chains feel such relief as I shall.
- 他敢於跟一个比他大得多的孩子搏斗,足以表现出他的勇气。He shows pluck in fighting a boy much bigger than himself.
- 一个可靠的政治家比一个聪明的政治家更好。A safe statesman is better than a clever one.
- 他敢于跟一个比他大得多的孩子搏斗,足以表现出他的勇气。He showed pluck in fighting a boy much bigger than himself.
- 一个分子比一个氢原子大一千倍。A molecule is a thousand times bigger than an atom of hydrogen.
- 鲁滨逊有一个比礼拜五更好的仆人:他的名字叫克鲁索。Robinson has a servant even better than friday: his name is Crusoe.