- 可叹罗成一世英名, 到最后被苏烈乱箭攒射死于陷马坑。although Luocheng had an illustrious life, he was shot dead in a horse pit by a volley of arrows fired by Sulie.
- 可叹罗成一世英名,到最后被苏烈乱箭攒射死于陷马坑。Although Luocheng had an illustrious life, he was shot dead in a horse pit by a volley of arrows fired by Sulie.
- 别节食了,再来一块巧克力吧。人生只一世,得乐且去乐,节食留待明天吧。Forget your diet and have another chocolate. You only live once, and you can starve yourself tomorrow.
- 俄国沙皇尼古拉一世诞生,是沙皇保罗一世第三个儿子。Nicholas I, Tsar of Russia, was born the third son of Tsar Paul I.
- 有一天整个进步的人类都会敬仰他的英名。Some day all progressive mankind will cherish his memory.
- 鲁莽一时,悔之一世。To do something rash will make one repent forever.
- 一世generation
- 理查一世之后的英国国王是哪位?What King came after Richard I of England?
- 一世浮华Showy and luxurious in the whole life
- 卓立一世stand lofty in one's age
- 圣尼古拉一世Nicholas I, SAINT
- 一世之雄a great hero of his time
- 枉活了一世wasted all one's lifetime
- 祖孙缘,一世情A Visit with Grandma and Grandpa
- 希律一世的Herodian
- 鄂图一世[日耳曼Otto I [Germany, 912-973]
- 詹姆士一世的Jacobean
- 拿破仑一世的Napoleonic
- 节目:真爱一世情True love all life long
- “我愿意吃一世的羚羊肉。”"I'll live on antelope till the end of my days."