- “你为什么要做那事?”“不为什么,就是好玩。”'Why are you doing that?' 'Just for the heck of it.'
- 我不明白,他为什么要做那事?I don't get it: why did he do that?
- "别跟我来那一套!你知道他为什么做那件事。是因为她太罗嗦。""Don't give me that! You know why he did it. She nagged him."
- 我完全了解你为什么要做这事。I fully realize why you did it.
- 你为什么要选那种工作?Why did you choose your particular field of work?
- 你为什么做那事,你这个笨蛋Why did you do that,you cretin?
- 你为什么要杀我?Why do you want to kill me?
- 他非常清楚地记得曾嘱咐你不要做那事。He distinctly remembers telling you not to do it.
- 你为什么要收藏邮票?Why do you collect stamps?
- 这些就是我们为什么要做这事的理由。These are the reasons why we do it.
- 你为什么要浪费钱去冒那个风险?Why did you fling your money away on that risk?
- 我劝你别做那事。I'd advise you against doing that.
- 那你为什么要卖机器呢?Then why do you want to sell your machines?
- 我想要做那件事。I'm gonna do it.
- 你为什么要暗中伤害迈克?Why are you doing a number on Mike?
- 如果你再做那事,看我狠狠地揍你!If you do that again, I'll clobber you!
- 你为什么要穿那件绸衣服?Why have you that silk frock on?
- 请你运用你的影响叫他不要做那事好吗?Will you please use your influence with him not to do it?
- 你为什么要在即将胜利的时候承认失败呢?Why did you chuck up the sponge when you were so near to winning?
- 你为什么要干那种事?Why did you do that?