- 不计except
- 计入reckon in
- 计件by the job
- light-vehicular traffic (公路上)轻型车辆的运输
- 液位计juice level gauge
- unit of traffic (吨公里或旅客公里)客货运输单位
- chirp-rate调制chirp-rate modulation
- 硬度计sclerometer
- tap rate (证券)时价行情
- 计画plan
- intensification of traffic movement (车流)强化交通流
- respiratory rate 呼吸率RR.
- simultaneous traffic signal controlling (交通)同时信号控制法
- 时计hour meter
- rate payer (英国)纳地方税人
- 事前计提基金advanced funding
- traffic calming 是由德语 Verkehrsberuhigung 直译过来的。'Traffic calming' is a calque of the German 'Verkehrsberuhigung'.
- feed rate (焊丝的)送进速度
- 用计maneuver
- distance rate (电话)按距收费率