- 不计except
- 计入reckon in
- replacement_value必须是可以隐式转换为check_expresssion类型的类型。Replacement_value must be of a type that is implicitly convertible to the type of check_expresssion.
- 插入阐释如何使用tag_name属性或REPLACEMENT_METHOD_ENTRY宏的替换方法。Inserts a replacement method that demonstrates how to use the tag_name attribute or REPLACEMENT_METHOD_ENTRY macro.
- 虚拟Tokenvirtual token
- 计件by the job
- Token传递模型token passing model
- 液位计juice level gauge
- 硬度计sclerometer
- token moneybase coin (美)辅币
- 计画plan
- Token测验在失语症诊断中的作用The role of Token test in the diagnosis of aphasia
- 时计hour meter
- 脑损伤后失语症患者认知障碍对Token测验成绩的影响Effects of cognitive dysfunction in aphasia patients after brain injury on performance of the Token test
- 事前计提基金advanced funding
- 用计maneuver
- 标记测验(Token Test)与左侧大脑半球损害所致的各型失语的关系Relationship between the Token Test and Chinese aphasia with different types due to left hemispheric damages
- 体重计batheroom scales
- 它是一个"例"(token),但充分体现了迪斯科"型"(type)的各种主要特征。It is a token that has embodied a variety of features of the disco type. The macro sign of "Volcano" could be articulated into several micro signifiers.
- 计量器meter