- 不计except
- 计入reckon in
- 计件by the job
- Element-by-elementelement-by-element
- parent city (城市规划用语)母城
- 液位计juice level gauge
- 单词element含有五类不同的字符。The word'element'contains five different types of character.
- 改善了用户运行期间继承的类的parent::method_name()Improved the implementation of parent::method_name() for classes which use runtime inheritance.
- 硬度计sclerometer
- 最后一行确定Tag号为2,Parent标记号为1。The last row identifies 2 as the Tag number and 1 as the Parent tag number.
- 此示例说明element和xml指令之间的区别。This example illustrates the difference between the element and xml directives.
- 计画plan
- 这样,Tag和Parent列将提供层次结构信息。In this way, the Tag and the Parent column provide hierarchy information.
- 选择Show并使用默认的DOM Element mapping单选钮。Select the Show and use default DOM Element mapping radio button.
- 时计hour meter
- 使用parent属性可以获取和设置当前控件的父控件。Use the parent property to get and set the parent control of the current control.
- 事前计提基金advanced funding
- 另外,parent_name参数只能包含A-Z、0-9和下划线字符。Additionally, parent_name can only contain A-Z, 0-9 and the underscore character.
- 如果是使用XML定义应用程序,请在ComputedFields Element(ADF)中定义每个字段。If you are defining an application in XML, define each field in a ComputedFields Element (ADF).
- 用计maneuver