- 不计except
- 计入reckon in
- 计件by the job
- 曲线Origincurve
- Element-by-elementelement-by-element
- Origin软件Origin software
- 液位计juice level gauge
- 单词element含有五类不同的字符。The word'element'contains five different types of character.
- Wi-FieldWi-Field
- 硬度计sclerometer
- Origin数据处理软件Origin data processing software
- 此示例说明element和xml指令之间的区别。This example illustrates the difference between the element and xml directives.
- field capacity (农)田间持水量
- 计画plan
- (=undetermined origin) 未明来源,原因未定undet.orig.
- field (放资料的位置)栏
- 选择Show并使用默认的DOM Element mapping单选钮。Select the Show and use default DOM Element mapping radio button.
- 时计hour meter
- 巧用Origin批量转换科技期刊稿件中的数据Use of the Origin software in transformation of a batch of data in scientific papers
- 在“field”之前有“er”,There is an @er@ before the @field@ .