- 不计except
- 计入reckon in
- intermediate improvement cutting (林业的)抚育间伐
- 计件by the job
- 液位计juice level gauge
- 因此,您在创建团队项目时必须选择模板MSF for CMMI Process Improvement。Therefore, you must select the template MSF for CMMI Process Improvement when you create the team project.
- 硬度计sclerometer
- 如果使用专门组,则应在创建新团队项目时使用模板MSF for CMMI Process Improvement。If using a special group, use the template MSF for CMMI Process Improvement when you create a new team project.
- 计画plan
- 可以根据每个MSF for CMMI Process Improvement角色创建自定义组,并将用户分配到这些自定义组。You can create custom groups based on each MSF for CMMI Process Improvement role and assign users to these groups.
- 时计hour meter
- 事前计提基金advanced funding
- 用计maneuver
- 体重计batheroom scales
- 计量器meter
- 忽略不计ignore
- 密度计densimeter
- 频率计cymometer
- 将计就计beat somebody at his own game
- 计税valorem